Nintendo has a cunning plan to beat the inevitable Switch 2 scalpers - make an absolute buttload of consoles

Nintendo has outlined its plans to help ensure the Switch's successor isn't affected by scalping as badly as its predecessor was at launch. The big idea - make sure it produces a lot more consoles, something that should be a lot more feasible now the company says it's resolved some component supply issues.For those that might not have been in the market for a Switch at launch, the console was high in demand across major territories, leading to demand overshadowing supply. This was a rich feeding ground for scalpers, who bought up the consoles in bulk with plans to sell them on at inflated prices. The hope seems to be that, by bumping up production (without the worry of factors like the 2021 onward COVID chip shortages), Nintendo can produce enough consoles to make a scalping market redundant. As translated by IGN, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa said the following on the matter in a recent investor Q&A: “As a countermeasure against resale, we believe that the most important thing is to produce a sufficient number to meet customer demand, and this idea has not changed since last year". Read more

Jul 1, 2024 - 18:30
 0  5
Nintendo has a cunning plan to beat the inevitable Switch 2 scalpers - make an absolute buttload of consoles

Nintendo has outlined its plans to help ensure the Switch's successor isn't affected by scalping as badly as its predecessor was at launch. The big idea - make sure it produces a lot more consoles, something that should be a lot more feasible now the company says it's resolved some component supply issues.

For those that might not have been in the market for a Switch at launch, the console was high in demand across major territories, leading to demand overshadowing supply. This was a rich feeding ground for scalpers, who bought up the consoles in bulk with plans to sell them on at inflated prices. The hope seems to be that, by bumping up production (without the worry of factors like the 2021 onward COVID chip shortages), Nintendo can produce enough consoles to make a scalping market redundant.

As translated by IGN, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa said the following on the matter in a recent investor Q&A: “As a countermeasure against resale, we believe that the most important thing is to produce a sufficient number to meet customer demand, and this idea has not changed since last year".

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