Still Holding Out Hope For Days Gone 2? "Time To Move On," Sony Dev Says

The story of Deacon St. John will not be continuing in a Days Gone sequel. The community manager for Bend Studio has taken to social media to squash the "false hope and poor information" people are getting about a new game in the open-world zombie franchise.On X (formerly known as Twitter), Bend's Kevin McAllister confirmed the developer is "currently working on a new IP." Additionally, in a reply, the community manager said "previous developers" are the ones spreading Days Gone 2 hype, but it's "time to move on."I apologize to our Days Gone community for continuously getting fed false hope and poor information by people looking for likes. It’s not fair to you all.We are currently working on a new IP, and when we have actual news to share it will come from our studio. — Kevin McAllister (@vikingdad278) June 27, 2024 Eurogamer reports that McAllister could be referencing former Bend Studio director John Garvin, who has been discussing that Days Gone is supposed to be a trilogy. In 2021, Garvin previously lamented players not paying full price at launch for games.Continue Reading at GameSpot

Jun 28, 2024 - 18:30
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Still Holding Out Hope For Days Gone 2? "Time To Move On," Sony Dev Says

The story of Deacon St. John will not be continuing in a Days Gone sequel. The community manager for Bend Studio has taken to social media to squash the "false hope and poor information" people are getting about a new game in the open-world zombie franchise.

On X (formerly known as Twitter), Bend's Kevin McAllister confirmed the developer is "currently working on a new IP." Additionally, in a reply, the community manager said "previous developers" are the ones spreading Days Gone 2 hype, but it's "time to move on."

Eurogamer reports that McAllister could be referencing former Bend Studio director John Garvin, who has been discussing that Days Gone is supposed to be a trilogy. In 2021, Garvin previously lamented players not paying full price at launch for games.Continue Reading at GameSpot