ZKSync to airdrop 17.5% of ZK token supply to 695K wallets

ZKSync is set to airdrop 17.5% of its ZK token supply to 695,232 eligible wallets starting next week, with the majority of tokens allocated to the project's community and ecosystem initiatives. The post ZKSync to airdrop 17.5% of ZK token supply to 695K wallets appeared first on Crypto Briefing.

Jun 11, 2024 - 12:30
 0  23
ZKSync to airdrop 17.5% of ZK token supply to 695K wallets

ZKSync is set to airdrop 17.5% of its ZK token supply to 695,232 eligible wallets starting next week, with the majority of tokens allocated to the project's community and ecosystem initiatives.

The post ZKSync to airdrop 17.5% of ZK token supply to 695K wallets appeared first on Crypto Briefing.